Being a healthy and fit person gave me the perception that I would never “get” breast cancer. However, when I found the lump in my right breast through self examination in December 2014, I realized that life can change in one day. There are no guarantees, and cancer is so random!
After the disbelief and shock kicked in, I knew I needed to acknowledge this diagnosis and fight it with every ounce of my being. I realized one thing I had control over was my attitude. I decided to maintain a strong and positive mindset, and to channel my anger towards fighting breast cancer and beating it! I woke up every day with intention. I found my village of supporters, and I vented a lot. Physical exercise became central to maintaining strength and control in my life, and I continued to work on mindfulness and lots of prayer and meditation. At the time I underestimated how much all of this would help me get through four surgeries, and bounce back so quickly from each one of them. It did.
My advice to women who are facing breast cancer, is to find a reason to get up in the morning and remember self-care. Find your village of supporters, reach out for support, and accept help from others. You will get through this, and will be so much stronger on the other side!